我们经验丰富的教师教授我们的就业准备商业管理学位使用全面的, 多样化的课程将为您提供良好的职业前景,并允许您在完成后获得科学管理学士学位. 不管你是想主修商业管理还是辅修商业, 当你选择在澳门官方十大网投平台学习时,你将学习商业技能,这将帮助你在申请工作时脱颖而出.

Our motto is ‘Doing Business Right’. So, 我们的教师将教你如何在商业上取得成功,以及如何以一种改善我们世界的方式做生意. 这些是特别有价值的技能,由于消费者对可持续和道德商业实践的需求不断增加,这些技能越来越受到追捧.

在你的学习过程中, 你将学习所有重要的商业理论和历史,你需要建立一个成功的商业生涯. But it’s not all books and theory. 我们的教师创造令人兴奋和引人入胜的课程,让您在课堂上学习真实世界, 你还将完成至少一次当地或全国性企业的实习,以确保你对如何应用所有新知识有一个很好的掌握. 许多学生还利用实习机会在毕业后在同一家企业找到了很棒的工作.

While we teach most of our classes in-person during the day, we also offer evening classes and online business management courses. So, if you’ve got other responsibilities, you’ll easily be able to fit your studies into your busy schedule.

当然, going to college isn’t just about academics, 所以我们已经确保你会得到你需要的支持,在学习成功的同时也有很多乐趣. If you choose Dominican University, you’ll have the opportunity to join any of a wide range of clubs, really flex your athletic muscles, and take advantage of everything the nearby New York has to offer.

With a business management degree, 你可以成为任何职位,从客户经理到体育团队的业务经理,再到国际公司的首席执行官. 在澳门官方十大网投平台, you’ll have a great college experience while you earn your BS  in Management. 

Receive Program Info and 澳门十大正规网投平台 Options


  • 详细的节目信息
  • Customized scholarship and financial aid offers
  • Personal support from an admissions counselor




The highest levels of personal support

Staff who are committed to your success

The finest small-college athletic program in the region


关闭 proximity to New York City and three major airports


My time in the program has been both rewarding and gratifying. 这个项目, 对于平衡专业和个人承诺的护士来说,哪一个是有利的, allows students to plan their schedule easily. 教授们都是实践的np,他们每天都把他们的专业知识和智慧带到课堂上,在一个支持性和丰富的环境中挑战学生.

玛琳Veselsky, 注册会计师,BSN FNP 2014级毕业生




Full-Time Freshman Receive 澳门十大正规网投平台



全球领导力, multi-cultural setting requires understanding, 同理心, and a strong ethical and moral grounding. 重视道德和伦理的组织会受到员工和社会的尊重. 多明尼加大学的管理课程将为一个复杂多变的世界准备有道德的商业领袖,并提供坚实的知识和经验基础,帮助我们的学生激发变革和创新,使他们能够茁壮成长,为社区服务. This is what we consider “做好管理.”


There are so many types of careers you can build with a business management degree. You could build your own business in any field, or you could seek employment with banks, 软件公司, 消费品制造商, or pretty much any other business.


  • 会计
  • 簿记员
  • 金融分析师
  • 帐户管理器
  • 行政助理
  • 人力资源经理
  • 销售助理
  • 销售经理
  • 客服助理
  • 营销经理
  • 广告经理
  • 业务分析师


When you enroll in a Dominican University business management program, you’ll learn the most effective business management tactics, but you’ll also learn so much more than the mechanics of how to run a business. You’ll develop effective leadership 技能, learn how to think strategically about business issues, learn how to succeed in an ethical manner, 培养解决问题的能力,这样你就可以通过定量和定性的方法来分析问题, 还有更多. 你将学习市场营销, 企业财务, and entrepreneurship and you’ll learn how to manage sales and marketing departments. 您还将学习重要的基本技能,从创建演示文稿到在公共场合演讲,再到如何使用基本的商业技术. And you’ll learn how to apply all this to real-world issues.






When you enroll in the Dominican University business management program, you can choose to complete a Bachelor of Science in Management or a Minor in Business.

For a BS-Management, you’ll complete 120 credits consisting of:

  • 60 credits from the liberal arts division
  • 31个核心学分(MG 211, MK 114, IX 250, BU 213, AC 111, AC 112, FN 226, MG 310, MG 355, MG 474)
  • Nine credits of management courses (one of which must be MG 341)
  • 15个选修学分
  • Three internship or practicum credits
  • 两个大一讨论课学分

For a Minor in Business, you’ll complete 18 credits consisting of:

  • mg211, mk114, ac111
  • 其他三门商科课程

If you’re interested in pursuing a Masters in 工商管理, 如果你选修的商科课程达到fn226,你将获得最多的研究生学位学分, MG 341, mg343或mg345.


If you undertake a 理-管理学学士, you’ll also have the option of choosing one or more specializations:

  • 财务管理——如果你对经营企业的财务方面特别感兴趣, then this concentration is for you. 这个项目 includes education about corporate asset and debt management, investment in capital assets and working capital, 预算, 以及投资过程. 为了完成这个集中,你需要选择金融和经济选修单元.
  • 国际管理-如果你特别想管理国际经营的企业, this concentration is a great choice. You’ll develop functional knowledge, 技能, and insights in international marketing, 金融, 经济学, 和管理.
  • 体育管理——如果你热爱澳门十大正规网投平台,并认为你可能喜欢管理体育业务, 你会喜欢这种专注. 您将学习所有常见的企业管理主题,但通过体育产业的镜头. 如果你对团队组织的职业感兴趣,这种专注会特别有用, working with athletic foundations, 媒体, professional services (such as event planning), 以及设施管理.

If you undertake a minor in business, you can choose to complete a sports management minor which consists of SM 210, SM 311, SM 320, SM 340, SM 370, 一门理科选修课程.


布劳维尔特澳门官方十大网投平台工商管理学院的商业课程获得了国际商业教育认证委员会(IACBE)的专业认证,该认证位于列纳克萨市斯特朗林路11374号, 堪萨斯, 美国.


Ivan Rudolph-Shabinsky, B.A., M.B.A., CFA

Ivan Rudolph-Shabinsky, B.A., M.B.A., CFA

Director of DBA, Assistant Professor

克莱尔·彭尼诺,B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.

克莱尔·彭尼诺,B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Associate Professor, 工商管理

Matt Schiering, B.S., M.B.A

Matt Schiering, B.S., M.B.A


Carrie Boericke,文学学士,文学硕士

Carrie Boericke,文学学士,文学硕士


Lori Massad, BSBA, MBA

Lori Massad, BSBA, MBA




Associate Professor of CIS and International Management

迈克尔·霍夫曼,B.S., M.B.A., C.P.A

迈克尔·霍夫曼,B.S., M.B.A., C.P.A

Assistant Professor of Accounting

约翰·斯皮尔纳,B.B.A., M.B.A

约翰·斯皮尔纳,B.B.A., M.B.A

Assistant Professor of 工商管理

拉塞尔·迪亚兹,A.A.S, B.S., M.S.

拉塞尔·迪亚兹,A.A.S, B.S., M.S.

Chief Information Officer, Academic Technology Coordinator and Adjunct Instructor

Karen Michalowski, AAS,学士

Karen Michalowski, AAS,学士




Administrative Assistant, PHIT Internship Coordinator
